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Real Estate
How to Analyze a Real Estate Market in 60 Minutes -Know More than a Local…
With help from Neal, even beginning real estate investors can learn how to analyze a real estate market in 60…
Gary Vaynerchuk on Realtor & Lender Marketing Strategy
Backstage at the Agent 2021 Conference in Miami, FL. My brother (Arjun Dhingra) and I meet with Gary Vaynerchuk…
How will the real estate market fare in 2020?
Savills Chief Economist Heidi Learner joins the On The Move panel to discuss how the impact of the coronavirus on…
Real Estate Marketing Ideas for New Agents with NO MONEY
This is the BEST video showing you Real Estate Marketing Ideas for New Agents with NO MONEY! This will work!…
Designing a High-Impact Real Estate Marketing Plan
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A tell-all guide on digital marketing for real estate
With the exponential growth of internet users across the country, the pattern of advertising is drifting towards…
Fed's security purchases threaten U.S. housing market: Mortgage lenders
The Fed launched an aggressive use of its powers to help lift the economy as social distancing measures increased…
Increase Your Real Estate Leads In 2020 (Facebook Advertising Done RIGHT)
Increase Your Real Estate Leads In 2020 (Facebook Advertising Done RIGHT) WANT TO JOIN ME IN A 30-DAY LEAD…
Marketing Strategy for Real Estate Videos
Here is a checklist for how to get the most out of your real estate property videos. Use it to help you organize…
Commercial mortgages could be on brink of collapse: Real estate investor…
Lawmakers are working to reach an agreement on a massive stimulus package to combat the economic impact of…